Concerns from students will be collected on Wolfline Grievance Hub. Through this platform, students in the cluster may express their concerns. All concerns are handled with the utmost discretion. The HUMLET SEC aims to collaborate with its constituents and show how concerns may be lobbied to effectively take proper action. For transparency, the status of concerns may be viewed via HUMLET Student Concern Tracker:

Click Here

To arm students with the knowledge and confidence they need, no matter what the academic situation is, seek advice from Wolfline. This service will provide necessary information and assistance on student inquiries.


Student inquiries must be directed to the HUMLET SEC Official Facebook Page. Those who have queries, will be assigned to an officer depending on the type of question they will be asking.

Announcements, updates, and necessary documents will be sent via SMS and Email Blast to reach the students in the cluster. This is to keep the students informed about any school and cluster-related activities.


Concerns from students will be collected on Wolfline Grievance Hub. Through this platform, students in the cluster may express their concerns. All concerns are handled with the utmost discretion. The HUMLET SEC aims to collaborate with its constituents and show how concerns may be lobbied to effectively take proper action. For transparency, the status of concerns may be viewed via HUMLET Student Concern Tracker:

Click Here


Concerns You Can Forward To US

Non-Academic Concerns

The HUMLET SEC may provide assistance in cases that are not categorized under any level of academic concern. These include concerns for student mental health issues, abuse, and the like.

Course-Specific Academic Concern

These are the issues that specify a subject and/or an instructor. It concerns the welfare of at least one (1) student of the class. This concern can be handled internally through student-instructor dialogue.

Program-Specific Academic Concern

Issues that concern the welfare of at least one (1) student enrolled in the specific program. It can be handled by the Department Chair of the specific program.

Cluster-Specific Academic Concern

These are the concerns of the welfare of at least one (1) student under the specific cluster. This concern can be handled by the Dean or Assistant Dean of the specific cluster.

University-Specific Academic Concern

These are issues that concern the welfare of at least one (1) student of the institution. This concern can only be handled by the university administration, specifically through the Office of Academic Vice President. This can only be resolved with the authority of the University President.


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