The Humanities and Letters Student Executive Council or HUMLET SEC is the official student government of the Humanities and Letters Cluster which comprises of four courses: BA Philosophy, BA English Language, BA Interdisciplinary Studies and BA Communication in the Ateneo de Davao University. It is Commited to uphold the legacies created by the previous terms while fostering new ideals for the whole HumLet Community.

Cluster Animal and Color

Bearing the strength of entire Humanities and Letters, the wolf will be the vigor of the pack, representing its passions and ideals with red.

Weave our Legacy

When one thinks of legacies, regardless of one’s age and time, you are reminded of what you have, as well as your victories and setbacks. You learn from the past, evaluate what you are doing now, and anticipate what you still hope to do.

In a kingdom where courageous and unyielding wolves are determined to defend their realm, the wolves’ claws have remained strong as they face immense challenges. Without a doubt, HUMLET triumphed in the face of adversity.

We have proven that we are stronger than the uncertainties. In this brand new HUMLET, we want to build on the legacies left by the previous terms, reflecting on the lessons from the past and visions of the future to create new ideals for the entire HUMLET community.

To build a pack that is more proactive and steadfast to the interests of its constituents while being resilient and responsive to the uncertain and unpredictable circumstances.

Our legacy – we must embrace it to make this happen.

As one pack, we will prance through the cosmos, as one Humanities and Letters Cluster, we will weave our legacy.